Sunday, 18 July 2010

I'm back...

I wasn’t joking when I said it was crazy season.

I know I must have more time than before: I’ve dropped two hours a day from my commute. But it doesn’t feel that way – it seems like I’m busier than ever. Part of this is down to being more active: I ran 13 times in June for a total of 68 km, which I’m very happy with. But some of it is also because all the weekend activities have displaced the household tasks we’d normally do on Saturday or Sunday, and they now have to be done in the evenings (or not get done at all, lalalala…).

There has also been a lot of personal stuff going down around here, some tedious, some exciting, all time-consuming.
However, in amongst all this I have managed to lose weight every week, even if only half a pound, and I’m really pleased with this. The two things which I think have really helped have been

  • Exercise. Lots of it.
  • Tracking everything I eat. Even if it ends up like the hen party day when I ate FIFTY-THREE AND A HALF points (!) I know just how wrong it’s gone.
I’m now 10 stone 7.5lb (147.5lb, 66.9kg) which is a tantalising half a pound away from the lightest I’ve ever been as an adult. I am hoping very much to see a new low at my weigh-in on Tuesday.

Activity-wise I have joined a running club! Acting on a long-ago suggestion from a friend I went along to my local Women’s Running Network group. I was pleased not to be the slowest (no, I am not over-competitive, honest…) and found that the group runs are great at pushing me to go a little faster than I would on my own or with the Boy. Plus we do things like hill reps that I am never going to find the being-arsed to do by myself… If you’re a woman in the UK and interested in running I thoroughly recommend giving it a go.